Foothills Farm Table Collective

We are a new endeavour, rallying a community of ranchers and farmers in the Foothills of Alberta to make donations of surplus livestock to local food banks.

Just food and kindness: neighbours helping neighbours. 

Grassroots Philanthropy

You get gratitude, tax receipts…and TON of good karma.

Ready to join us?

We believe in the power of grassroots efforts to heal.

Here’s the thing - the Collective is a really small idea.

Despairing over the state of the world comes all too easily. At times, it feels increasingly like a broken, hostile place, rife with countless issues that seem insurmountable. The divisions among us feel like chasms, and relying on governments to resolve matters seems increasingly unrealistic.

But this: this is an easy win. Some of us are going hungry, and some of us have extra to share, and there is no more basic a need than food, and no friendlier a gesture than offering it. 

Not just this effort - like we said, it’s small - but small actions can be as meaningful as large ones. This small thing, and thousands of other small efforts born of kindness, can together do real, lasting, measurable good.

Please consider joining us. We’d be very happy to have you!

‘We all do better when we all do better.’
- Paul Wellstone